That's something that most of us didnt hear when we had our baby(ies). Some had an early loss, some a second trimester, some carried to term. Some labored for hours only to give birth to a sleeping child. Some had to endure the pain of surgery, a c-section, to deliver their sleeping baby. And sadly, some lost their baby before it had a chance to grow. Some babies spent some time with us, and others did not. In the end we all had a child(ren). Children that we were proud to have and so thankful for the time we did have with them. So I am telling each and every one of you, Congratulations! Congratulations on your little boy, or girl, or twins, or triplets or your surprise gender baby. Im so very sorry that you were not able to keep your baby(ies) with you just as I was not. But a baby is always something to celebrate. Regardless of the end result, they are all blessings.