Thank you all once again for waiting so patiently for your name requests to be done. I apologize for the slight delay this week. We got word that my grandmother was not doing well and we made a last minute trip to see her and have her meet her new great grand daughter for the first time last week. I'm happy to say she seems to be doing better. Well the rest of us caught some horrible flu or something over there and the whole family has been ill. My toddler had it the worst and we had to spend a whole day at the ER earlier this week. He is much better now and I finally had a moment to write a few names so thank you for not being annoyed with me.
I noticed that my lil ol blog has 42 followers! Yay! Thank you for your support and for spreading the word to other bereaved families that I may someday reach. As a thank you I'd like to do a little something, like a giveaway. So here is the offer. If you can help me get to 50 followers I will draw a custom picture on the sidewalk for you. Lets say dragonflies remind you of your little one, I will draw you and your little one the prettiest picture I can. It doesn't have to be a dragonfly. It can be a butterfly, the ocean, balloons, a footprint... Whatever you can think of. Of course once again it's free of charge and for you to use as you wish. Remember, I am not am artist but I will do the best I can. If your request is too difficult for me to draw we will discuss at that time. Once I get to 50 followers I will write a new post titled 'Giveaway Drawing' with what you have to do to enter the drawing for the custom picture.